Hello! Welcome to

This site is all about computer bridge, or bridge playing robots. You can find links to the better known bridge playing robots in the Other Links area. There are also links to the Official World Computer Bridge Championships, and my Unofficial Computer Bridge Championships. I hope you enjoy the content.

The Unofficial Computer Bridge Championships (UCBC) will no longer be run as a published public event. I will run it as a private event for as long as the bridge robot authors want to use it as a practise event prior to the Official World Computer Bridge Championships taking place.

Due to the difficulties implementing the rules for the 2024 or 2025 UCBC event,without the full support of all of the bridge robot authors taking part, it is too problematic to continue as a public event. As the Unofficial Computer Bridge Championships and other Butler and Cross Imp events were the main reason for this site.
This site will close down in March 2025, and the site will no longer be updated.
Thanks for the help from the Bridge Robot authors that did help me with the UCBC,and the authors of some of the packages used for the last couple of years events.